Host Domain Name to Route53 from Other Domain Provider
#route53 #domain #dns
Last updated
#route53 #domain #dns
Last updated
In this journal, I will show very simple step-by-step how to host domain names to route53 that were registered before in other domain providers like Namecheap, google domain, etc. But in this section, iI will only use the Google Domain provider as an example.
Go to the AWS console and choose route53 service, it will show a dashboard like this (per journal is written). Noticed that route53 support the global region.
After that click the Hosted Zones
in the left sidebar. After that click Create Hosted Zone
The form field is shown like in the screenshot below. Just input the Domain name without subdomains like www or others, don't forget to select the public hosted zone because we want to use it for the internet traffic.
After that click Create hosted zone
When the creation is completed, it will redirect to hosted zone detail. and grab or copy the nameserver to set it for the custom nameserver in the domain provider.
After getting the custom nameserver, go to the console of the domain provider. And select use custom domain name. As mentioned before I am using Google Domain.
Then add 4 nameserver values from route53 hosted zone, and save. Don't forget to switch the nameserver option. At google domain, it can be done by just clicking Switch to these settings
. Some other providers maybe have a different step to do.
Just that's. If success just waits until the domain provider propagate the changes.
The changes in the nameserver can be checked using a website checker or in the terminal. I will be using the terminal by just typing $ dig NS <domain name>
If the response still uses the nameserver before the changes are made, just wait more time.